İstanbul Kültür University Occupational Health and Safety Studies

Non-compliance or hazards identified as a result of environmental observations made by our Occupational Safety Specialist and Workplace Physicians are recorded in the notarized Hazard Identification Book. Hazard Identification and Corrective / Preventive Action forms are also prepared. The Hazard Detection and Corrective / Preventive Action Form prepared for the elimination of nonconformities or hazards detected is sent to the unit / department that will produce a solution with a pre-letter. In this way, awareness is created to eliminate the danger or nonconformity detected.

Occupational Health and Safety Board meetings are held periodically. Based on the studies and observations, information is shared about what needs to be done.

Emergency building evacuation drills are conducted in order to ensure that employees behave consciously in emergencies.

Last Update Date: Tue, 09/24/2019 - 16:16